Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James, available on Google Play and the App Store

Ready for the Challenge?

Get in the best shape of your life with real food...

  PLEASE TURN YOUR VOLUME ON – And Press The Play Button Below :)

Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Look forward to...

  • Easy-to-use app with daily guidance in the palm of your hand.
  • Stay motivated with a targeted focus challenge with meal plans, in-app tracking, community support, giveaways and leaderboards.
  • Personalized goals and tracking.
  • ​Handy tools to track your sleep, nutrition, movement, fat loss, meditation, water and more.​

Delicious Food, Tracking Tools & Community Support

Daily Menu & Recipes in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Daily Menu & Recipes

Access daily menus and recipes from inside the app, and view by day or by category.

Printer icon at the top of each recipe makes it easy to print right from your device.
Weekly Shopping Lists in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Weekly Shopping Lists

Weekly shopping lists can be pulled up in the app, or download a printable PDF with shopping lists, menus and recipes.
Weekly Shopping Lists in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Tracking Tools

Track sleep, nutrition, movement, meditation, mindset and more with tools that fill in with color each day you use them.
Meditation Timer in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Meditation Timer

Use the built-in meditation timer, or manually input the time you spend meditating each day.
Photograph Your Meals in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Photograph Your Meals

Track your meals with in-app photos that are stored in the Nutrition section, so you can easily look back at what you ate throughout the challenge.
Intermittent Fasting Tracker in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Fasting Tracker

Handy Intermittent Fasting tracker allows you to keep track of how much time you fast from food.
Water Intake Tracker in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Water Tracker

Fun way to track water by tapping the water glass icon to add each serving of water you drink. 
Community Support in the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James

Community Support

In-app text messaging with Abel, Alyson and the Wild fat-burning team.

Plus, join our community chat channel (discord or facebook group) for extra motivation, share food and progress photos and participate in the weekly leaderboard.

How It Works

1. Select your 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge package...

Option #1: 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge

Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James
Select this option if you'd like to participate the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge without subscribing to monthly Wild Superfoods supplement shipments.
  • 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge with in-app meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, tracking tools and community support.
Availability Note: U.S. & International

Recommended for international folks, since we can only ship Wild Superfoods supplements within the U.S. 

Option #2: Wild Challenge Box

Wild Challenge Box with Wild Superfoods supplements and the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James
Subscribe to the Wild Challenge Box and access the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge for FREE.
  • 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge with in-app meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, handy tracking tools, and community support.
  • Future Greens, tasty superfood greens powder with just 1 gram of sugar per serving.
  • ​Mega Omegas, Omega 3-6-7-9 from wild deep sea fish oil, borage oil and organic macadamia nut oil
  • ​Vitamin D Stack with 5000 IU of vitamin D3, along with vitamins A, E, K1 and K2.
Availability Note: Option only available in the U.S.

Option #3: Deluxe Wild Challenge Box

Wild Challenge Box with Wild Superfoods supplements and the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James
Take your health to the next level by subscribing to the Deluxe Wild Challenge Box and get FREE access to the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge.
  • 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge with in-app meal plans, recipes, shopping lists, handy tracking tools, and community support.
  • ​Collagen Cocoa, a delicious dairy-free, sugar-free chocolatey bone broth protein from cows raised on pasture.
  • ​Future Greens, a tasty superfood greens powder with just 1 gram of sugar per serving.
  • ​Mega Omegas, Omega 3-6-7-9 from wild deep sea fish oil, borage oil and organic macadamia nut oil.
  • ​Vitamin D Stack with 5000 IU of vitamin D3, along with vitamins A, E, K1 and K2.
  • ​Probiotic Spheres with 5 billion cfu per serving including 8 different potent probiotic strains.
Availability Note: Option only available in the U.S.

2. Download the Wild Challenge app:

Download the Wild Challenge app for Android and Apple devices...
Get the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James on Google Play
Download the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James on the App Store

3. Login and join the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge.

We'll send login details to your email address so you can login to the app right away.

Get started by setting goals and go shopping to stock up on delicious real foods for the challenge.
Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James, Select your goals for the challenge


What People Are Saying

Here's what people are saying about the Wild Diet and the Wild Challenge...

Ambriel: Down 6 Dress Sizes and 17 Pounds in 30 Days

On the Wild Challenge Ambriel is Down 6 Dress Sizes and 17 Pounds in 30 Days
“I wanted to share my progress after 1 month on The Wild Diet for the Challenge… I lost 17 pounds and several inches going from a tight size 18/20 to a 14! I saw my IBS symptoms completely disappear as well as a constant abdominal pain that had plagued me for nearly 3 years.

Also my GERD symptoms disappeared and I was able to stop taking a prescription medication! Skin redness and rashes that had bothered me for years disappeared. I was glowing!”

- Ambriel

David Drops 26 Pounds (Nearly 1 Pound a Day!)

On the Wild Challenge David Drops 26 Pounds (Nearly 1 Pound a Day!)
Hi Abel and Alyson, First of all. I feel amazing. I needed to get that out there!

As a background, I used to be 335lbs, and had high cholesterol, sugar, and you name it. I had been experiencing gout in both of my ankles, which at 29 years old is almost unheard of. My doctor told me I couldn’t take gout meds because of how high my other tests were showing, and I really had to just deal with it without medication.

I started the Wild Diet after stalling out on other diets, namely the “My Fiancé made sure I didn’t just eat pizza” diet. She helped me get down from 335 to 305, but when I stalled there for about a year, I needed to change something. The gout was still happening, and I would have either a flare-up or just overall inflammation, making it difficult to get the exercise I needed. Jogging was out. Walking was only fine until I felt my ankles starting to twinge, and then I had to ice them and hope it didn’t swell up too badly.

I saw your diet showcased on ABC’s My Diet is Better than Yours, and after all of the success Kurt had, I knew it would work for me.

Starting at 305 lbs, I lost 26 lbs and ended up at 279lbs. My pants size went from a 44 to a 40, and is juuuust about to be a 38 (I can sneak into them, but they are snug!) and my belt is now on the smallest loop. I can fit my old suit that I haven’t worn since 2008, and my neck size dropped from about 19 ½ (very hard to find unless you shop at DXL) to 18 ½. My average at-rest heartrate has dropped from high-80s to mid/high 70’s.

As I said above, I feel amazing! I have so much more energy than I have had in easily 10 years. The gout is gone (knock on wood!) and I can walk and jog like I used to. The inflammation is gone, and it is a great feeling overall. I find myself more able to WANT to do things and less likely to want to take a nap. Yes even my libido has been more active by FAR.

I often say that my fiancé saved my life, but you and The Wild Diet helped her out and made her job easier!

– David

Janet “Dabbles” in the Wild Diet and Sheds 17 Pounds

On the Wild Challenge Janet “Dabbles” in the Wild Diet and Sheds 17 Pounds
Hi Abel and Alyson, I started “dabbling” in the Wild Diet around January 7th. I lost seven pounds from that date until the challenge started. I am now down 17 pounds total and am ecstatic about the beauty of this new lifestyle.

My blood pressure medicine has been cut by half, my Mobic for body pain has been halved as well. My doctor foresees that I will be off of these meds in no time and she was beyond thrilled with my progress at my visit last week. She wanting to hear all about the Wild Diet, said it was “perfect” and is going to spread the word to her patients!

My clothes are beginning to hang on me and I need to go shopping! Yay! I have renewed energy and amazingly, I am beginning to crave the veggies!

This will be my lifestyle forever and I thank you both from the bottom of my heart! May you be blessed beyond your “WILDEST” dreams in the days ahead! Thank you for saying “yes” to the calling of bringing divine health and happiness to the hopeless! YAY!

Cheers to you both,

Joshua Beats Sugar Addiction Drops 20 Pounds in 30 Days

On the Wild Challenge Joshua Beats Sugar Addiction Drops 20 Pounds in 30 Days
20 lbs down in 30 days! I’m feeling really great. I am a recovering sugar addict, and I’ve fallen off the paleo wagon so many times over the past few years. The Wild Diet has been different. The meal plans, the tribe support, the guilt-free desserts, and especially the green smoothies (where have these been all my life??) have made the Wild Diet stick, where basic paleo didn’t.

I’m a long time listener to the podcast, but getting the book and meal plans made a huge difference. I can’t recommend it strongly enough.

– Joshua

Danica Sheds 14 Inches and 23 Pounds

On the Wild Challenge Danica Sheds 14 Inches and 23 Pounds
Finding this lifestyle has changed my life…in just one short month. I have lost 23 pounds and over 14 inches. My work relationships are better. I have so much energy, I tried racquetball and zumba for the first time. I started wearing makeup and making cute hairdos, that isn’t something I have done in years. Thanks Abel and Alyson!!!!!!

– Danica

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I participate in the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge?
Here are 3 easy steps to get started...

1. Purchase entry to the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge by clicking one of the 3 deals we put together for you, and then fill out the form on the next page to complete your purchase.

2. Download the Wild Challenge app to your device from either Google Play or the App Store.

3. Login to the app (we'll send login instructions to your inbox), and get started by setting goals and selecting a start date.
When is the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge starting?
We recommend starting the challenge between March 7th and March 21st, 2022. And with the ability to set a custom start date you can start on a day that works best for you!
Where can I download the Wild Challenge app?
It’s free to download the Wild Challenge app on Apple or Android, but in order to access the app you’ll need to first sign-up for the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge. Once you sign-up for the challenge, we'll send you login details so you can get started right away.
Download the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James on Google Play
Download the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James on the App Store
Why can’t I login to the Wild Challenge app? 
You'll need to purchase entry to the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge, and then we'll set you up with an account and get you started.

If you already signed up for an account and are having issues logging in, send us a note at customercare@wildsuperfoods.com and we'll get you fixed up right away!
I have a Wild Challenge account, how can I participate in the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge?
When you purchase entry into the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge, you'll be prompted to accept the new challenge in the Wild Challenge app (in case you're not automatically prompted, you can go to "More" > "Plan Selection" to accept the new challenge).

And good news! If you subscribe to either the Fat-Burning Tribe or any of our Wild Superfoods products or bundles, we'll set you up with free access to our upcoming Wild Challenges. Send us an email at customercare@wildsuperfoods.com to let us know you'd like to be setup with free access to the challenge as part of your subscription.
Do I have to follow the challenge meal plan exactly?
Since the Wild Diet isn’t a dogmatic program that tells you exactly what you can and can’t eat, there is plenty of space to experiment. Feel free to swap out ingredients or meals to best fit your tastes and preferences.

Focus on prioritizing veggies, along with pasture-raised meats, eggs, broth, and other high quality protein like wild-caught seafood. And add in some high-quality carbs, like sweet potato, wild rice or quinoa about once a week (or more if you're particularly active).

And be sure to check out the bonus meal plan in the Wild Challenge app by going to "Plan" > "Plan Documents" for more menus and recipes for mouthwatering wild feasts and homemade treats.

Have fun and do the best you can!
How can I make meal prep easier?
To cut down on meal prep, set aside 1 - 3 hours each week to prepare meals ahead of time, so you can easily reheat or grab and go.
Do I have to use the in-app tracking tools to participate in the challenge?
Feel free to track as much or as little as you’d like. The tracking tools, meal plans, and app features are designed to assist you in getting as healthy as possible and offer a fun way to stay accountable, and are not meant to get in the way. Feel free to experiment and do what works best for you.
I live in a country outside the U.S., can I participate in the challenge?
Yes! As long as you download the app from either Google Play or the App Store (free download) and sign-up for entry to the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge. We'll set you up with an account so you can login and get started right away.
I have a question not answered here. How can I get in touch?
Send us an email at customercare@wildsuperfoods.com and we'll get back to you as soon as possible. And if you already have access to the Wild Challenge app, you can send me and the team a message from right inside the app.
What’s next?
We have some fun challenges planned for 2022 and 2023, each with targeted meal plans and recipes. Here’s a list of some of the upcoming challenges you can look forward to…
  • ​ ​Summer Challenge: 14-Day Low Sugar ChallengeReserve my seat in the challenge
  • January 2023: 28-Day Wild Keto Challenge, suggested start date: January 2 - January 23, 2023 
  • ​​ ​March & April 2023: 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge, suggested start date: March 6 - March 20, 2023
  • ​ July & August 2023: 14-Day Wild Paleo Challenge, suggested start date: July 10 - July 24, 2023
I love the Wild Challenge! How can I help you guys out?
Thank you so much! We pour our hearts into each project we do so it means the world to us when you enjoy them.

If you can, please leave us a review in the app store (Apple or Android) so that others can hear about our app. It makes a big difference! You rock.

The 14-Day Clean Eating Challenge starts in...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Deals We Put Together For You...

14-Day Low Sugar Challenge

Wild Challenge: 14-Day Wild Paleo Challenge
14-Day Low Sugar Challenge, meal plans, goals, tracking tools, weekly leaderboard, mega giveaway & community support.

Today's Price:


One time payment

Available on the App Store for Apple devices and Google Play for Android devices.

Wild Challenge Box

Wild Challenge Box with the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James and Wild Superfoods supplements
Subscribe & Save with the Wild Challenge Box and access the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge for FREE.

Today's Price:


Just $180.85 $128.94/month

(Wild Challenge Box is only available in U.S.)

Deluxe Wild Challenge Box

Wild Challenge Box with the Wild Challenge mobile app by Abel James and Wild Superfoods supplements
Subscribe & Save to the Deluxe Wild Challenge Box and get the 14-Day Low Sugar Challenge for FREE.

Today's Price:


Just $412 $192.68/month!

(Deluxe Wild Challenge Box is only available in U.S.)
Your Host, Abel James
Real food nutrition in the Wild Challenge with supplements, recipes, and mobile app

Question, Comment or Technical Issue?

If you have a question or want to get in touch, send us an email at CustomerCare@WildSuperfoods.com, and we'll get right back to you.

Need help? Contact us at CustomerCare@WildSuperfoods.com

Required Legal Disclaimer: Recent laws from the FTC require that we identify what a "typical" result is. The truth is that most people never do anything with the products they buy, so most of the time, they don’t get any results. If you want results you need to take action. The people you see on this web site are examples of our best results and are not typical. They stuck to their diets and changed their lifestyle. In other words, they took action. If you want results, you should do this, too. So let's make it happen!

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